Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A follower of Christ should have a thick skin and a soft heart

• A follower of Christ should have a thick skin and a soft heart. I suck at this.

• God sends believers to Haiti that are to weak to be followers of Christ in the States. That is why I am here and others.

• I had my first real error driving today. God was kind enough to show me a lesson in that error that I will share in full another day.

• We filled up on diesel today expecting riots

• I was reminded that just because you are safe in Jesus does not mean you will be hurt. It just means you are safe in his arms. That’s where I want to be.

• My Australian friend and I shared stories. My heart hurt when he told me their (him and his wifes) story. His hurt for mine too. I am loving my Aussi friends.

• I have dreams here.  Bad dreams.  The kind you are don't tell people because they are that disturbing. I was told other do to and it's from the voodoo practiced in the area.  I am going to pray over my bed before I go to sleep tonight

• There is so much to do, I can't get caught up.

• I went to Cite Soleil the largest slum in the western hemisphere. I saw things that I can’t write about yet. At one time it was the most dangerous place on the planet, now it’s only in the top 10. I don’t know how they can compare it or chart it cause police don’t go in there and the UN only drives by. I was told when they do come in; they come in force and numbers. With all that I felt the covering of Christ and felt no fear as all of our team felt the same way (I think). That does not mean we did not feel things could go wrong at any point… they could. It just means if they did, it would be a pretty cool way to go. John (Heartlines amazing leader) talked with a chief as we were surrounded by his soldiers. A soldier would be defined as someone who was bigger than I am, meaner than me, and had a big gun. Killing someone there is something that happens there often and I doubt there are many crime scenes or investigations. I am still searching for words to describe what I saw, smelt, and was heartbroken over. I am heartbroken that there are no answers and really not even a hard fix.

• Three things I suck at are painting, detailed carpentry work, and plumbing. I have yet to do plumping yet… I am convinced God has a sense of humor. Maybe I will plumb today.

• I got an email today asking me to read 1 Tim 5:8. My dad is not well. Bad kidneys. We have talked like 3 or 4 times in the last couple of years and have sat down and talked to him only once during that time. The last communication I had was over Christmas and lets just say it ended very emotional. He does not know I am in Haiti, It never crossed my mind to tell him. It’s heartbreaking to me that no matter how hard I try, someone feels the need to point out I am sucking at (fill in the blank). It was the most painful email I have gotten on my trip so far. Simply painful. Thanks to John I was reminded to have a thick skin and a soft heart. I suck at it.

…Thick skin and a soft heart
…Thick skin and a soft heart
…Thick skin and a soft heart

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You just keep on keepin on brother. Remember what I said in the waiting room....never turn your back on God because that is when you are most vulnerable. He gives you that armor for a reason....Thick Skin, Soft Heart.

Have confidence is his faithfulness and though it is hard words to understand....let the dead bury the dead and you keep on keepin on for the kingdom of Christ.