Since my return form Haiti back in 2011, I’ve not had a lot to say. Today I come out of the closet.
I am sure I won’t change anyone mind on this subject. I am hoping you can at least get an understanding of conservatives point of view. We are not evil, we just are out of money. We won’t be around long enough to help anyone at the spending rate we are going.
1) The media wants’ to classify conservatives in a category of uncaring non-compassionate people. This is the exact opposite of reality. Conservatives by every study are more giving. The difference is that we want to give and help who we feel led to give to. Government never can and never will fill the compassionate roll. When it does, it fails. We can’t even help ourselves (Social Security, Medicare, Medicate, the list goes on). We the church should be doing that. We the people without faith should be doing that. The more our Government does, the less the church does, the less we the people do. As a constitutionalist view, the government is here to only follow that document. Governments roll is to protect us. Nothing more - nothing less. (This guy explains this perfect)
2)No one I know thinks we should be bombing countries then leaving them. If we have a reason to bomb them (something I questioned from the start) then we have the obligation to stay and protect the good people till they can protect themselves. I was not a fan of the Iraq war, but now that it’s done, pulling out is cowardly and not compassionate. We keep doing Luke 11:26 over and over again. There are so many great ways using capitalism to help repair damage from evil.
3) As a refugee (one generation removed), My family (while German) was wiped out by the Nazi regime for our faith. My father and his family was properly put through a vigorous vetting system. The vetting system we have had till recent years ask one question. The basic question is "Is the person being vetted good for America". Does this person have faith and if so, in what. Can this person work? If so how?. You may or may not like the process but folks like me want a process. If you don't like the process, then let's change it. Then whatever it's changed to, let's stick to that. This business of one man (the president in this case) making executive decisions based on what he wants regardless of the rules is not good for this country (I have a pen and I will use it). Most folks like me (and most states) hear most of our government heads saying the vetting process won't work in this case. It’s different than any other time in the past because you/we are fighting someone who wants us dead. Someone who get’s glory from killing us. The director of the FBI about the vetting process "We don’t have it under control” "it’s not even close to being under control". While I am not a Paul Ryan fan, I do agree with his thought of “Wait! Lets look at this and see if it’s wise”. This is the designated roll of congress (war & spending our money). I want to allow them to do their job.
4) When my family was allowed to come to the US, they had to basically become slaves to the person(s) who brought them here (indentured servant). While this did not work out well for my family (they ended up in slavery for many years), generally speaking this worked out well for both sides. Now we are bringing folks in and producing a poverty mentality. This mentality unfortunately is growing because of the influx of the way our government is handling this. We don't like it. We don't want it. The government historically has been the epitome of the book “when helping hurts”. The American government is excellent at war, but they suck in the compassion department. That is the roll of us, the church. I like it this way or should I say, the way it was. We the people need to be acting, not we the government.
5) In the end it always gets down to money. This is something we don't have. Each of my children now owes $156K (per tax payer). What kind of a father sits idly by and lets his government do this to his children? I simply have to much compassion for them to not fight for their future while teaching them true individual compassion... or trying to.
6) If we keep spending like we are, we won't have any resources to help anyone... including ourselves.
7) Everyone has a boarder. Every church has doors. Every family, every country, every NGO. I have little experience in the NGO, but what I do know shows me that they turn people away. They have walls around their compound, around their houses, around their neighborhoods. They don't allow just anyone to come in. They help folks according to their resources. An organization that is spending more than it’s making won’t be around for long. This all seems wise to me. I've seen the benefit of these walls. Without them, the organization ceases to exist. Until we get our spending under control, we will end up like the refugees we are trying to help.
Politics wants you to feel like if you don't think the way I do, then you are evil. I am sure anyone who might have taken the time to read this far has disagreements with me. I’m all about that. I am all about changing my mind. I am pretty much open to anything that does not include spending money we don’t have. That’s where we are today. Thank you for reading this. I hope someone (if anyone) reading this get a little out of it. Especially my kiddos!
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