• A conversation walking down the road;
Me: “John, I don’t feel safe walking on this road, we are going to get run over by these taptaps (crazy taxi drivers)”
Troy: “Was Jesus safe on the cross? Was Stephen safe as he was stoned?”
We all start laughing. It’s an ongoing joke about how people ask if it’s safe in Haiti. The fact is I have never felt safer. Safe is a relative term. There are only two inevitable possibilities in life. Jesus will come or we will die. I don’t know about any one else, but when that time comes… I hope I am at the same place where Jesus & Stephen was when it was time to go. During that walk, I was reminded of one of my favorite Anberlin songs:
“Live, I wanna live inspired, Die, I wanna die for something higher than myself, Live and die for anyone else, The more I live I see this life's not about me”
• Today I got to witness Heartline turn over a home to a young lady who lost her foot in the quake. Heartline loved her, trained her, prepared her, and sent her off with the love of Jesus. The only words I heard as I watched her tears and felt her hugs was from God saying, “Well done, good and faithful servant” As we left, I looked over at all the 1,000’s of World Vision homes in the valley of this village. I could not help to ponder on all the resources that went into this one lady and her family. What World Vision does is great… it’s super. They are a great mission and I personally am a HUGE WV fan. That said, what Heartline does is 100% inline with the Gospel. It’s in line with how Jesus did it and told us to do it. The painful restoring of one girls life can reap rewards for generations… long after those walking today are long gone. It was not super glamorous. There was not TV crews or large crowds. But I could not help but feel like I was witnessing on God smiling down on the work done by the Heartline crew. Thank you Jesus for allowing me to witness these Godly men and women do your work.
• This is hard work. Really hard. I respect the folks here more every day. The work they do is not easy, It’s not glamorous, it’s hard on marriages, and you don’t see fruit every day.
• I watched a group of ladies get together and talk about Jesus last night. Not because it was on the schedule, or they wanted to get together to socialize. Not because it was an obligation. I could hear the hunger of the word as they talked about the gospel. There are truly some beautiful people here.
• The UN has very pretty blue hats.
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