In the last 24 hours here is a list of folks who reminded me of what community is. They reminded me of why it’s so important to have community and how blessed I am that each of them thought enough about me to message me today.
Bez & Bek: the Australian couple I am staying here with at the guesthouse. We work together to help the place run as smooth as we know how. Actually, they run it and I just drive around. They have shown me love and love for each other that is inspiring.
Levi & Kristi: Even though it was just a short few text, I got to chat with both of them today. They are the greatest kids on the planet and I don’t deserve them. I miss them and love them so much.
Megan: Perhaps a girl who shows more of the Gospel in her life than any other soul I know on this planet. We have shared some deep conversations. I LOVE getting to hear her heart. I have been blessed to really get to know some amazing young people over the last few years but this girl is really special. She has a love for Jesus and a love for others in a way that is so attractive. I have learned much from her. I hope I get to spend more time with her before I head out.
Sarah: You don’t know this but you are the one person that I listened to about going to Haiti. It was your encouragement and support that allows me to be here. I consider you one of my kids and you know my hurts, struggles, and challenges as much as any human on this planet yet at every step you encourage me. I would not be here without you. I love you.
Jimmie: Over the last year you have become perhaps my closest friend. You have heard the deepest crap of my life and still love me for reasons I don’t really understand. You excite me in your worship and desire to love Jesus more. I love to kick you in the tale for reasons I won’t say publicly and love it when you have successes in your life. It sucks that I will get back after the summer and you will be gone. I will miss you and your beautiful wife much. I know now what to say and not to say to someone who is serving out of the country. The scripture you sent me today helped me process the things going on in my heart and was heaven sent. Thank you for your desire to serve Christ, dig deeper, and share the inside of your struggles.
Bush: Since we both drank the water from the same source growing up, I get you. It’s been awesome to watch you grow your family (literally right now). I hope we get to spend more time together in the future. Thank you for your message today.
Aaron: I was not blessed with siblings but God saw the error and brought you in my life. We have shared more struggles together, have been more transparent with each other, discussed some of the dumbest theology, laughed, and simply walked life together for years. I am honored to do life with you.
Kacy: You text me some of the craziest things ever. Today’s laugh was the best. I miss our conversations and arguing with you about invitations. You have an amazing wife and I miss being called uncle harry.
Ken: Not a chance you read this but since I am only writing this for myself that is ok. You have encouraged me with your scriptures. Your hard stances on doing the right thing. Your tender heart (don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone). I miss hanging out with you.
Beard: While you are not in my daily life any more I wish you were. It was nice to say hi to you at 5am this morning.
Chris Taylor: I did not hear from you today and that hurts, but I had to say something about you because you may be a famous kicker one day this may help you remember me when you do.
Troy: I have known you only a couple of years. That said, without you I am not here. You have inspired me in ways you may never know. We have spend a few hours listening to the roosters, but not near enough… there are a lot more stories to tell. I’ll keep my uglier ones to myself lest you kick me off the island.
The above folks are my community. They don’t live next door or down the street. I have not seen some of them in a long time, yet they love me and encourage me. These are just the men and women of have talked to me in the last 24 hours. This is just part of my community. These people are just one way God shows his love to me.
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