Sunday, February 06, 2011

We are the sum of the stories we live and the stories we share

• Phone call:
Troy: Harold, you can still come over but all the teen girls just got out of the pool and are all riding around on bikes wearing their bras. (long pause) I am not sure how my life got to this.
Me: Hum…. (Silence)

• My Australian friend knocked on my door tonight and offered me a cookie. I know it’s like no big deal… but to me it shows love. I have been shown more love here in Haiti than I ever imagined.

• Americans in Haiti live more in one slow day that anyone I know in the states live in a month. We are the sum of our stories…. And people who live here have many.

• After church I was invited to a family outing. I was part of a family today. I don’t have this type of family back home. Life is different here.

• Today I contemplated the fact that God might call me here. I don’t know what that means… but this thought scares me. I can’t live the life I want here… I have plans that God does not seem to be listening to that are easier filled back in the states than here.

• When God whispers here is like standing in front of a cheerleader with a megaphone

• God spoke to me on the way to church today. I was listening to “Everything” by Hillsong. It’s a song we sing at the Stone. We belt it out there, especially at the 7. God showed me so much on this journey to church. Fallen buildings, people living with nothing, people living under cardboard, people packed in back of the truck taking an hour ride to church at 7am just to worship…. I could not help but wonder that if I were in their shoes… would I really be giving my “everything” to Jesus? I am weak.

• I have a couple of friends dealing with some major crap back in the States. Most of the crap is emotional. They suffer from self worth issues. Truth is, I count myself in that group. As I look at the people serving here there is no self worth issues. They have a lot of hurt and struggles, but self worth does not seem to be high on the list as those back in the states. It’s interesting because the folks here serving have very little. Old cars, not many possessions, but what they do have is family and community. I have had the opportunity the last couple of days to just hang with friend(s). Can’t recall the last time I did that back in the states to the degree I do it here. While I can’t say I have the self-image thing licked… I can say there is a correlation between spending quality time with community/family and self worth. Giving to others and just working to get ahead. Truly committed to giving your life to Jesus at whatever cost and going to church a couple of times a week. The more I am here the more I see the importance of living for others and not self. It’s simply the Gospel and that Gospel is lived out a raw way here in Haiti.

We are the sum of the Gospel we live.

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